TASABA government (2009-2010) took the office in October 2010 after the general election which involves eight regions which are mostly occupied by the Tanzanians students living in Bangalore including Kamannahali, Acharya, Indiranagar, Banashankari, Hennur, Bupsandra and Banaswadi.
The Government took the office under President Fidelis Msomekela, Vice President Angela Tungaraza, General Secretary Aldo Kamugisha, Treasurer William G Mziray, Chief Advisor Aboud Jumbe and Spokesman Jumanne Rajabu Mtambalike.
The following are the goals which were set by the new government.
1.To provide identification cards to Tanzanians living in Bangalore.
2.To create TASABA blog site this will be giving information to people about Tanzanians in Bangalore.
3.To create students Forums for Tanzanians students in Bangalore.
4.To bring Tanzanians together in different events including sports and festivals.
5.To provide security and to ensure discipline among the Tanzanians living in Bangalore.
6.To provide carrier opportunities for Tanzanians living in Bangalore and to encourage academic Excellency.
7.To create TASABA magazine which will promote our culture and traditional abroad.
8.To create TASABA website and logo.
9.To ensure distribution of power to the regional reader and every Tanzanian with a problem is being reached.
10.To encourage the relationship between Tanzanians and other foreigners living in Bangalore.
11.To ensure unity among the Tanzanians
12.To work hand in hand with the High commission of Tanzania to India.
13.To amend the TASABA constitution to reach the requirements of present situations.
14.To prepare good leaders and to show direction to our successors after we left the office.
15.To raise fund for running different projects.
1. To provide identification cards for Tanzanians living in Bangalore.
The TASABA ID’S has been issued to all active members and non members of TASABA .The aim of the ID was to identify you has a Tanzania in case you face a problem here in Bangalore we are encouraged to say that more than half of the Tanzanians who are living in Bangalore have responded actively just few who have decided intentionally not to take the ID by themselves.
2. To create TASABA blog site.
TASABA blog site has been online for more than six month now giving different news and report from different places in Bangalore and all over the world especially our country Tanzania there have been some ups and downs since the administrator is the student himself and inexperienced but we are proud on what we have achieved.
3. To create students forums.
TASABA has been able to establish TASABA group on facebook which involves TASABA alumni members and recent Tanzanians who are studying in Bangalore. It has been a great success since the group has more than 200 active members who shares different ideas and opinions every day.
4. To bring Tanzanians together in events and ceremonies.
We have been encouraging Tanzania to participate in different events including International student’s festival at Garden City College, the Tanzania Independency day, The TASABA football competition .TASABA not only brought Tanzanians together Tanzanians in good times but also times which we where facing challenges like the death of our beloved brother Imran Mtui may his soul rest in peace and during different accidents and funeral ceremonies of Tanzanians living in Bangalore.
5. To provide security and to encourage discipline among Tanzanians living in Bangalore.
TASABA government has been providing security to Tanzanians living in Bangalore including the recent occasion which involve Tanzanians living at Hennur and other cases which involve Tanzanians.TASABA has been providing lawyers to handle different cases of Tanzanians living in Bangalore when they are in need of such help. TASABA has been encouraging discipline among Tanzanians by making them not to get in conflict with the local people of Bangalore and making sure that they did what they were brought here to do.
6. To provide carrier opportunities and encourage academic excellence
TASABA has been announcing different seminars and academic activities to the Tanzanians students who are living in Bangalore few of them who have been able to utilize the opportunities they have been successful .For example the Nokia Seminar which was held for developers was interesting seminar for IT students .TASABA has been promoting academic excellence by providing certificates to the Tanzanians students who have been outstanding in their courses.
7. TASABA magazine
TASABA magazine was failed to be lunched in our time since the opportunity was given to other Tanzania association of Tanzanians student who are living at Acharya who request to lunch their magazine first which left us with no option but to wait until they finish the project which they say they were already started.
8. TASABA website and Logo.
The logo was there, the TASABA website has been created and it is working the only issue remain is to get our own domain which require some money. I do not have the privileged to talk about that am waiting for the TASABA budget 2009-2010 from the treasurer to see if we can get our own domain for the time being you can access our website through this link
9. Distribution of power to the regional reader.
All the places which are occupied with most Tanzanian students were having a active regional reader who were reporting to the centre government in case of any assistance for a Tanzanian student who is living at his or her area.
10. To encourage relationship between Tanzanians and other international students.
TASABA has encouraged this relationship in several ways by preparing events like sports competition, ceremonies and participating in culture exhibitions in different colleges in Bangalore. We have won different certificates and recognition in these events.
11. To ensure unity among Tanzanians.
TASABA has joined together all Tanzanians in different places in Bangalore and all over the world to share their ideas and to create new opportunities for the well being of us and our country in general using our blog site and our group in facebook.
12. To work hand in hand with the high commission of Tanzania to India.
We have been working with our embassy in India trying to find solutions for the problems facing Tanzanians in India and to represent our country abroad we have tried our level best and our effort can be easily seen by the observers.
13. To amend TASABA constitution
Some changes have been done in the constitutions so that it can explain the role of everyone in our community Cleary and consolidate our association with discipline and values. Thanks to the TASABA ministry of discipline and values under Ms.Alice Kazoba.
14. To prepare good leaders and successors.
For what we have achieved we cannot let everything to be thrown on the mad we need people with determination and experience to drive this wheel barrow of success and we will ensure that happen through democracy.
15. To raise funds to running different activities of the office.
The fund has been raised although there have been some ups and down during fund raising the budget of TASABA 2009-2010 will be issued soon after the official authorization of the President of the association Mr.Fidelis Msomekela.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Haya sasa website ya tasaba on testing check it out at"http://www.wbsolutions-tz.com/tasaba/index.php?v=homepage"
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Our Country Ambitious Plan...........

In a bid to produce more hydro-power, the Government will build a new hydro-power generating unit at River Malagarasi in Kigoma region with a capacity of producing 8MW.
Plans are also underway to do major rehabilitation of electric infrastructure in six regions, thanks to financing from a number of donors.
This was revealed by Energy and Minerals minister, Mr William Ngeleja when he spoke to reporters at his office yesterday. He said electric projects will be funded by the US Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), African Development Bank (AfDB) and Rural Energy Agency (REA).
The Minister said the tenders for the set project will be floated in June this year.
According to Mr Ngeleja, MCC had offered a total of $206.47 million (Sh320.411 million). Out of the amount,
$53.68 will be used for construction of the hydro-power generating unit at Malagarasi and a service line to Kigoma/Ujiji, Uvinza and Kasulu.
He said another $89.666 will be used to improve power infrastructures in Tanga, Dodoma, Morogoro, Iringa, Mbeya and Mwanza regions.
Minister Ngeleja said the African Development Bank has committed to fund a construction of 932km 33KV and 11KV transmission lines in Mwanza and Shinyanga respectively.
"The contract between AfDB and the government was signed in March this year and we are waiting for a go ahead from AfDB for the project to commence," Mr Ngeleja said.
On the REA contribution, he noted that a total of Sh4.221billion had been set aside by the government to extend power to Longido and improve distribution network in Bagamoyo district.
Meanwhile, Mr Ngeleja allayed fears over the country resolve to start generating power from uranium by 2012.
"We will involve all stakeholders public, private and the international, to ensure that power from uranium is produced safely... we will develop capacity to manage waste from uranium," he said.
"We are not intending at producing weapons of mass destruction, rather we are aiming at power production, so they (international community) should not worry," added Ngeleja.
prepared by
Alex Bitekeye 6 April 2010 the Citizen
WHY WE APOLOGIZE...............
Apology means admission of guilt which is going together with
the request for forgiveness and an expression of regret.
When you admit your mistakes, other people you come across are
more able to do the same. You act as a role model and an encourager.
We are all humans who reside on the planet of mistakes and apologies
are absolutely necessity to bring balance in our lives.
By apologizing you begin to fix the problem created and the healing
process begins.
If someone hurts you, it is justice to have them apologize to you!!.
For that reason, we have to do the same when we hurt others.
Apologizing produces guilt to other people but for the better. They see
you apologize for your mistake and compare it to their contribution of
the problem they made.
a)Describe the problem.
b)Describe the reason for the behaviour.
c)Describe the reason for changing behaviour.
2)Choose someone to do it for you.
Potentially problems.
a)You don't have the control over what the person will say.
b)It has the less impact.
If the person you hurt doesn't want to talk to you, give a time to allow healing.
For example (1)"I apologize if I hurt anyone!".
(2)"Please take my apology if you were
offended by what I said".
This is what we call 'non-apology apology'. Most common with politicians
and public speakers. If you are not sure whether somebody was offended or not,
it is much better not to apologize at all otherwise you have to apologize
while being honest with your self.
You are responsible for your emotional healing...
Prepared By
Caesar David.
the request for forgiveness and an expression of regret.
When you admit your mistakes, other people you come across are
more able to do the same. You act as a role model and an encourager.
We are all humans who reside on the planet of mistakes and apologies
are absolutely necessity to bring balance in our lives.
By apologizing you begin to fix the problem created and the healing
process begins.
If someone hurts you, it is justice to have them apologize to you!!.
For that reason, we have to do the same when we hurt others.
Apologizing produces guilt to other people but for the better. They see
you apologize for your mistake and compare it to their contribution of
the problem they made.
a)Describe the problem.
b)Describe the reason for the behaviour.
c)Describe the reason for changing behaviour.
2)Choose someone to do it for you.
Potentially problems.
a)You don't have the control over what the person will say.
b)It has the less impact.
If the person you hurt doesn't want to talk to you, give a time to allow healing.
For example (1)"I apologize if I hurt anyone!".
(2)"Please take my apology if you were
offended by what I said".
This is what we call 'non-apology apology'. Most common with politicians
and public speakers. If you are not sure whether somebody was offended or not,
it is much better not to apologize at all otherwise you have to apologize
while being honest with your self.
You are responsible for your emotional healing...
Prepared By
Caesar David.