Happy holidays and happy new year,its a great pleasure for me to write again in this year
2010.We thank God year 2009 is over .I believe this is the new beginning for us
Tanzania students living in Bangalore.
My eyes have seen a lot in the year 2009 some of them are bad and some of them are
good but all in all whatever happen , it happen for a reason and I believe challenges are
there to make us better not bitter .They say only a strong flame can make a better steel
and there is no sweet without sweat . I just want to talk about few things I saw this year.
My eyes have seen some people sent back home by their parents because they have fail
to fulfill their responsibilities as the students .Say what ever you want to say but it
is the reality and always someone should talk about the reality .One thing I hate most, it
is failing to tell each other the truth just because we are hanging out together and share
the funny together . These things are happening every day so if your a fresher be careful
it might happen to you also if you do not know what was the reason for you to be sent to
My eyes have seen people graduating but still staking in India because of the back
papers,someone has to clear the exam he or she had failed in a certain semester in his or
her course so that he or she can get his or her certificate,sometimes it happen but before
it happens you must be prepared and know that something like this can happen and how
you can overcome it .The best way to do that is to divide your time and realize your
responsibilities and make sure you give them the special privileges they require.
My eyes have seen people becoming alcoholic and drug addicts because of the money
their parents are sending .They become messed up and acting so shameful that no one
can withstand their behaviors in public .I consider this to be the disease it can catch
anyone who is not careful with his or her decisions ,who is living a life as if is following
the band wagon .This disease is out there be careful make sure it does not catch you in
the year 2010.
My eyes have seen people getting in serious police cases in which some of them have
damaged their dreams of graduating in India and fulfill their dreams .Am not saying you
can escape God wishes of accidents happening to you, because I have been in police
station once having accident with my friends bike .I believe there some cases we can
run away from them and prevents our self into their traps just by being careful with the
choices we make .Cases like caught in someones house making noises and disturbing
peace of the neighborhood or fighting for a women in the night club or running away
from the traffic jams and causing an accident while you do not even have the driving
license .I believe is something which you can overcome in the year 2010.
My eyes have seen people failing to attend important family activities in Tanzania just
because they do not have the residential permit or the house agreement .I believe
behaviors like this are totally the act of being irresponsible,someone is failing to have
something which require you the whole year just to update it .What is this ,are we out of
our mind or what? I believe there some problems we are creating them by our self .
My eyes have seen people pretending to be good but stealing from others and covering
themselves with the respect they have in the society .I do not blame them for this the
man without faith is the same as the animal, please God help them realize their mistakes.
I believe we are just passing here I believe what we are doing today determine how we
will live tomorrow.
My eyes have seen freshers falling into traps of their seniors ,by following their lives
and falling into their mess also .I believe they do not know what they are doing just
because some of them they are still young and it is the first time to be far away from
home .Please guys am talking about you the seniors give them the proper path and stop
making them to fall onto your mess.
Lastly,my eyes have seen a lot of great things also establishment of our blog,the unity
and solidarity among Tanzanians,more academic opportunities being created by the
students government and so on .But our weakness are the one which make us bad in
front of the people and the society and only when we manage to remove them. then we
will be perfect .Please the Almighty help us to achieve this
Happy new year guys 2010...........................................
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