In recent days the word press has been criticizing the HAITIAN government about the instability and lack of effectiveness during this period of natural calamity which has occurred in their country.For a country like Haiti where by half of the children in Haiti are unvaccinated and just 40% of the population has access to basic health care.Even before the 2010 earthquake, nearly half the causes of deaths have been attributed to HIV/AIDS, respiratory infections, meningitis and diarrhea diseases, including cholera and typhoid, according to the World Health Organization ninety percent of Haiti’s children suffer from waterborne diseases and intestinal parasites.Approximately 5% of Haiti's adult population is infected with HIV.Cases of tuberculosis (TB) in Haiti are more than ten times as high as those in other Latin American countries.Some 30,000 people in Haiti suffer each year from malaria.Those are just figures given out by the world health organization.You can see this is not the place or time to blame the government the country was in worst condition even before the calamity.What should be done is to find the possible way to serve innocent people who are staking in stones and dieing slowly.
During the period of natural calamity no country is strong we have seen hurricane Catrina when it strike United State of America even the world strongest government fail to respond on time and providing immediate attention to people.I believe someone who has the desire to help should help and stop talking nonsense words.LETS JOIN OUR HANDS TOGETHER TO SERVE OUR BROTHERS AND SISTERS WHO ARE SUFFERING.
TASABA spokesman
Jumanne Mtambalike
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